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iOS 16 ve daha fazlası! WWDC’de neler olacak?

iOS 16 ve daha fazlası! WWDC’de neler olacak?

4 Haziran 2022 03:23
iOS 16 ve daha fazlası! WWDC’de neler olacak?



Apple’ın her yıl düzenlediği konferans WWDC 2022, birkaç gün sonra gerçekleşecek. 6 Haziran’da Apple’ın iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS 13 ve tvOS 16 ile ilgili planları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edineceğiz. Ayrıca Apple’ın yeni donanımları veya gelecekte tanıtacağı yeni ürünü görebiliriz. İşte Apple’ın Dünya Çapında Geliştiriciler Konferansı’ndan neler beklediklerimiz.

iOS 16 tüm hızıyla geliyor

Yepyeni bir iPhone işletim sisteminden daha ilgi çekici ne olabilir? WWDC 2022 sırasında, yeni iPhone nesline ruh verecek işletim sistemi hakkında her şeyi öğreneceğiz.

Şimdiye kadar ortaya çıkan söylentiler, Apple’ın bildirim merkezini ve kilit ekranını yenilemeyi ve geçen yıl duyurulan Odak Moduna daha fazla yetenek eklemeyi planladığını gösteriyor.

Buna ek olarak, Bloomberg’den Mark Gurman, iOS 16’nın uzun süredir söylentileri dolaşan iPhone 14 Pro ve Pro Max’te her zaman açık bir kilit ekranı için gelecekte destek oluşturabileceğini söylüyor. Gazeteci ayrıca iOS 16’nın şu özellikleri getireceğini düşünüyor:

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WWDC 2022, iPadOS 16 ile iPad’in potansiyelini ortaya çıkarabilir

iPadOS 16, kullanıcıların uzun süredir istediği şeylerin bir karışım şeklinde karşımıza çıkabilir. Gurman, “pencere yapısı ve çoklu görevlerde büyük değişiklikler” beklediğini söylüyor.

Bunun doğru olduğu ortaya çıkarsa, iPad kullanıcıları nihayet M1 çipli en yeni iPad Pro ve iPad Air modellerinde zaten mevcut olan güzel donanımdan yüksek performans ile yararlanabilirler.

Tıpkı iOS 16 gibi, iPadOS 16’nın da yenilenmiş bir kilit ekranı ve bildirim merkezinin yanı sıra Odak Modu için genişletilmiş işlevlere sahip olması muhtemel. Uzun zamandır iPad’lerde yer almayan Hesap Makinesi ve Hava Durumu uygulamasının da eklenme durumu olabilir.

Devasa bir macOS 13 bizi bekliyor olabilir

Apple’ın WWDC 2022 sırasında macOS 13 Mammoth‘u tanıtacağına inanmak için birkaç somut bilgi yer alıyor. Sadece bu da değil, Intel Mac’lerden Apple Silicon’a geçişin tamamlanmasıyla birlikte, M1 Mac’lere özel tonlarca özellik olacak.

Gurman, en son yayınladığı Power On haber bülteninde, Mac’in WWDC 2022 sırasında bazı yeniden tasarlanmış uygulamalara ve “Sistem Tercihleri’nde onları iOS’taki Ayarlar ile daha uyumlu hale getirmek için çok ihtiyaç duyulan bir revizyona” sahip olacağını söyledi.

Sağlık uygulaması macOS 13’e gelmeyecek olsa da – bu da Mac’te Apple Fitness+ olmadan bir yıl daha anlamına geliyor – kullanıcılar bu işletim sistemine iyi özelliklerin gelmesini bekliyor.

watchOS 9 ile saatler daha da akıllı

watchOS 9’un 6 Haziran’daki WWDC 2022 açılış konuşmasında Apple’dan biraz ilgi görmesi bekleniyor. Önceki söylentiler, şirketin sonunda Apple Watch Series 7 serisinde bulunanlar gibi daha büyük ekranlarda daha iyi görünmesi için eski Saat Yüzlerini güncelleyeceğine inanıyor.

Buna ek olarak, daha iyi bir düşük güç modu özelliği ve Apple Watch’ın “günlük çalışmasını ve navigasyonunu etkileyen önemli iyileştirmeler” olacak. Yeni antrenmanlar, Sağlık ölçümleri ve daha fazlasını bekleyin.

Apple, WWDC 2022 sırasında tvOS 16’yı yine unutur mu?

Geçen yıl, Apple açılış konuşmasında tvOS’u tamamen unuttu. Bu sefer tvOS 16’nın sahnede birkaç dakika olması bekleniyor. Gurman’a göre tvOS 16, bu işletim sisteminden beklediğimiz gibi “daha akıllı ev bağlantıları” sunacak.

Ayrıca Apple, geçen yılki WWDC’de olduğu gibi HomePod’da daha fazla dil desteğini duyurabilir.

2022 MacBook Air yolda olabilir

Tüm işletim sistemlerinin yanı sıra Apple, WWDC 2022 sırasında 2022 MacBook Air’i de piyasaya sürebilir. Power On bülteninin son sayısına göre Gurman, “WWDC’de herhangi bir donanım olacaksa, muhtemelen Mac tarafında olacaktır. Şirket, konferansta M2 çipli bir sonraki MacBook Air’i piyasaya sürmeyi hedefliyor.” dedi.

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    ‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
    Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

    The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

    “I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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    Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

    “It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

    Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

    The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

    The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

    At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

    Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

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  • Anonim

    ‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
    Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

    The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

    “I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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    Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

    “It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

    Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

    The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

    The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

    At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

    Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

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    A ring found among the debris of Florida’s recent hurricanes awaits its owner

    Scattered across Florida’s hurricane-ravaged communities are piles of debris, remnants of what were once homes. Cherished memories — photo albums, family heirlooms, and tokens of love — swallowed by floodwaters and carried miles away, are now reduced to mere fragments and discarded amid the wreckage.

    But in one of these piles of lost memories, a small, inconspicuous velvet black box was discovered with a ring and a note that read: “I was 18 when my parents gave it to me.”
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    Now, Joe Kovach, the engineer managing one of the debris sites in Tarpon Springs, Florida, where the box was found, is searching for its owner.

    “Everyone has been basically dumping their entire lives onto the curb after the storm when everything flooded. My own boss’ house had 30 inches (of water) in it, and I saw his face and just how devastating it can be for everyone,” Kovach, an engineer with Pinellas County Public Works, told CNN.

    “A lot of people in the community were really affected by these two storms, if there’s just a little bit I can do to give back, then that’s perfect.”

    A contractor, who was gathering and condensing debris with an excavator, discovered the ring when he looked down and saw the box.

    “This was a needle in a haystack for sure. For something like that to survive all that when everything else was so wet and saturated, that was kind of incredible,” Kovach said.
    Although the ring was found after Hurricane Milton, Kovach is sure the treasure was initially lost amid the ruins of Hurricane Helene, based on the pile of debris it came from, which Pinellas County Public Works tracks. It is likely the owner of the ring is from Crystal Beach, Ozona, or Palm Harbor, Kovach said.

    On Tuesday, after the contractor informed him about the ring, Kovach posted a photo of the box and the note on several local community Facebook pages, asking if it belonged to anyone. He did not include a photo or description of the ring to ensure it is returned to the rightful owner who can accurately describe it. On the inside lid of the box is a gold engraving with the jewelry brand, “The Danbury Mint.”

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    How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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    Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

    Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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    Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

    Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

    “It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

    “Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

    Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

  • Anonim

    How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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    Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

    Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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    Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

    Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

    “It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

    “Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

    Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

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  • Anonim

    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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    Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

    Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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    It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
    The art of making spectacles
    Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

    It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

    The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

    Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

    That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

    “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

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  • Anonim

    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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    Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

    Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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    It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
    The art of making spectacles
    Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

    It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

    The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

    Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

    That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

    “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

  • Anonim

    How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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    Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

    Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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    Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

    Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

    “It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

    “Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

    Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

  • Anonim

    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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    Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

    Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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    It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
    The art of making spectacles
    Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

    It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

    The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

    Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

    That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

    “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

  • Anonim

    How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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    Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

    Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
    Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

    Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

    “It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

    “Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

    Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

  • Anonim

    ‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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    Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

    The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

    “I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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    Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

    “It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

    Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

    The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

    The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

    At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

    Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

  • Anonim

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    Judul: Menikmati Pengalaman Bertaruh dengan “PG Slot” di Situs Kasino

    Dalam dunia permainan kasino online, slot telah menjadi salah satu permainan yang paling diminati, terutama jenis PG Slot. Di antara banyak situs kasino online, merupakan tujuan utama bagi pengguna yang ingin menguji keberuntungan mereka di banyak permainan slot, termasuk beberapa kategori terkenal seperti demo pg slot, pg slot gacor, dan RTP slot.

    Demo PG Slot: Menjalani Tanpa adanya Risiko
    Salah satu fitur menarik yang diberikan oleh adalah demo pg slot. Fitur ini memungkinkan pemain untuk mencoba berbagai jenis slot dari PG tanpa harus menempatkan taruhan nyata. Dalam mode demo ini, Anda dapat menguji berbagai taktik dan mengetahui mekanisme permainan tanpa risiko kehilangan uang. Ini adalah metode terbaik bagi pemula untuk beradaptasi dengan permainan slot sebelum mengalihkan ke mode taruhan nyata.

    Mode demo ini juga menyediakan Anda pemahaman tentang potensi kemenangan dan hadiah yang mungkin bisa Anda dapatkan saat bermain dengan uang asli. Pemain dapat menyusuri permainan tanpa cemas, membuat pengalaman bermain di PG Slot semakin membahagiakan dan bebas tekanan.

    PG Slot Gacor: Peluang Besar Mendulang Kemenangan
    PG Slot Gacor adalah sebutan terkemuka di kalangan pemain slot yang merujuk pada slot yang sedang dalam fase memberi kemenangan tinggi atau lebih sering diistilahkan “gacor”. Di, Anda dapat mencari berbagai slot yang masuk dalam kategori gacor ini. Slot ini diakui memiliki peluang kemenangan lebih tinggi dan sering menghadiahkan bonus besar, membuatnya pilihan utama bagi para pemain yang ingin memperoleh keuntungan maksimal.

    Namun, harus diingat bahwa “gacor” atau tidaknya sebuah slot dapat beralih, karena permainan slot tergantung pada generator nomor acak (RNG). Dengan memainkan secara rutin di, Anda bisa mengenali pola atau waktu yang tepat untuk memainkan PG Slot Gacor dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang.

    RTP Slot: Faktor Esensial dalam Pemilihan Slot
    Ketika membicarakan tentang slot, istilah RTP (Return to Player) adalah faktor yang sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan. RTP Slot merujuk pada persentase dari total taruhan yang akan dipulangkan kepada pemain dalam jangka panjang. Di, setiap permainan PG Slot dilengkapi dengan informasi RTP yang terperinci. Semakin tinggi persentase RTP, semakin besar peluang pemain untuk mendulang kembali sebagian besar dari taruhan mereka.

    Dengan memilih PG Slot yang memiliki RTP tinggi, pemain dapat mengoptimalkan pengeluaran mereka dan memiliki peluang yang lebih baik untuk menang dalam jangka panjang. Ini menyebabkan RTP sebagai indikator utama bagi pemain yang mencari keuntungan dalam permainan kasino online.

  • Anonim

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    Judul: Menikmati Pengalaman Bermain dengan “PG Slot” di Situs Kasino

    Dalam dunia permainan kasino online, slot telah menjadi salah satu permainan yang paling diminati, terutama jenis PG Slot. Di antara banyak situs kasino online, menjadi tujuan utama bagi peserta yang ingin mencoba nasib mereka di beragam permainan slot, termasuk beberapa kategori populer seperti demo pg slot, pg slot gacor, dan RTP slot.

    Demo PG Slot: Mencoba Tanpa Risiko
    Salah satu fitur menarik yang ditawarkan oleh adalah demo pg slot. Keistimewaan ini memberikan pemain untuk menguji berbagai jenis slot dari PG tanpa harus bertaruh taruhan uang asli. Dalam mode demo ini, Anda dapat menguji berbagai strategi dan memahami proses permainan tanpa risiko kehilangan uang. Ini adalah langkah terbaik bagi pemain baru untuk terbiasa dengan permainan slot sebelum mengalihkan ke mode taruhan sebenarnya.

    Mode demo ini juga memberi Anda pemahaman tentang potensi kemenangan dan hadiah yang mungkin bisa Anda dapatkan saat bermain dengan uang nyata. Pemain dapat menjelajahi permainan tanpa khawatir, membuat pengalaman bermain di PG Slot semakin menyenangkan dan bebas tekanan.

    PG Slot Gacor: Prospek Besar Mencapai Kemenangan
    PG Slot Gacor adalah sebutan terkenal di kalangan pemain slot yang mengacu pada slot yang sedang dalam fase memberikan kemenangan tinggi atau lebih sering dikenal “gacor”. Di, Anda dapat menemukan berbagai slot yang masuk dalam kategori gacor ini. Slot ini terkenal memiliki peluang kemenangan lebih tinggi dan sering menghadiahkan bonus besar, menjadikannya pilihan utama bagi para pemain yang ingin memperoleh keuntungan maksimal.

    Namun, perlu diingat bahwa “gacor” atau tidaknya sebuah slot dapat bergeser, karena permainan slot bergantung generator nomor acak (RNG). Dengan memainkan secara rutin di, Anda bisa menemukan pola atau waktu yang tepat untuk memainkan PG Slot Gacor dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang.

    RTP Slot: Faktor Penting dalam Pencarian Slot
    Ketika membicarakan tentang slot, istilah RTP (Return to Player) adalah faktor yang sangat penting untuk dihitung. RTP Slot merujuk pada persentase dari total taruhan yang akan dikirimkan kepada pemain dalam jangka panjang. Di, setiap permainan PG Slot disertai dengan informasi RTP yang terang. Semakin tinggi persentase RTP, semakin besar peluang pemain untuk memperoleh kembali sebagian besar dari taruhan mereka.

    Dengan memilih PG Slot yang memiliki RTP tinggi, pemain dapat mengoptimalkan pengeluaran mereka dan memiliki peluang yang lebih baik untuk menang dalam jangka panjang. Ini menyebabkan RTP sebagai indikator krusial bagi pemain yang mencari keuntungan dalam permainan kasino online.

  • Anonim

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    Judul: Mengalami Pengalaman Bertaruh dengan “PG Slot” di Situs Casino

    Dalam alam permainan kasino online, permainan slot telah menjadi salah satu permainan yang paling digemari, terutama jenis PG Slot. Di antara banyak situs kasino online, adalah tujuan terbesar bagi peserta yang ingin menguji peruntungan mereka di berbagai permainan slot, termasuk beberapa kategori terkenal seperti demo pg slot, pg slot gacor, dan RTP slot.

    Demo PG Slot: Memulai Bebas dari Risiko
    Salah satu fitur menarik yang diberikan oleh adalah demo pg slot. Fitur ini memberikan pemain untuk memainkan berbagai jenis slot dari PG tanpa harus menempatkan taruhan nyata. Dalam mode demo ini, Anda dapat memeriksa berbagai taktik dan mengetahui mekanisme permainan tanpa risiko kehilangan uang. Ini adalah metode terbaik bagi pemain baru untuk mengenal dengan permainan slot sebelum beralih ke mode taruhan sebenarnya.

    Mode demo ini juga memberi Anda gambaran tentang potensi kemenangan dan hadiah yang mungkin bisa Anda dapatkan saat bermain dengan uang nyata. Pemain dapat mencari permainan tanpa cemas, menciptakan pengalaman bermain di PG Slot semakin menyenangkan dan bebas beban.

    PG Slot Gacor: Peluang Besar Mendapatkan Kemenangan
    PG Slot Gacor adalah istilah terkenal di kalangan pemain slot yang menggunakan pada slot yang sedang dalam fase memberi kemenangan tinggi atau lebih sering dikenal “gacor”. Di, Anda dapat mendapatkan berbagai slot yang termasuk dalam kategori gacor ini. Slot ini dikenal memiliki peluang kemenangan lebih tinggi dan sering memberikan bonus besar, membuatnya pilihan utama bagi para pemain yang ingin memperoleh keuntungan maksimal.

    Namun, harus diingat bahwa “gacor” atau tidaknya sebuah slot dapat bergeser, karena permainan slot bergantung generator nomor acak (RNG). Dengan bermain secara rutin di, Anda bisa mengidentifikasi pola atau waktu yang tepat untuk memainkan PG Slot Gacor dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang.

    RTP Slot: Faktor Krucial dalam Pemilahan Slot
    Ketika berbicara tentang slot, istilah RTP (Return to Player) adalah faktor yang sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan. RTP Slot merujuk pada persentase dari total taruhan yang akan dikembalikan kepada pemain dalam jangka panjang. Di, setiap permainan PG Slot diberi dengan informasi RTP yang terperinci. Semakin tinggi persentase RTP, semakin besar peluang pemain untuk mendulang kembali sebagian besar dari taruhan mereka.

    Dengan memilih PG Slot yang memiliki RTP tinggi, pemain dapat mengoptimalkan pengeluaran mereka dan memiliki peluang yang lebih baik untuk menang dalam jangka panjang. Ini menyebabkan RTP sebagai indikator krusial bagi pemain yang mencari keuntungan dalam permainan kasino online.

  • Anonim

    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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    Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

    Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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    It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
    The art of making spectacles
    Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

    It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

    The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

    Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

    That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

    “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

  • Anonim

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  • Anonim

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  • Anonim

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    1inch Exchange is a decentralized exchange aggregator. It searches multiple DEXs to find the most efficient path for your trade, thus minimizing costs and maximizing returns. By splitting your transaction into parts and executing them across different platforms, 1inch achieves the best possible market rates.
    Explore the 1inch Network: The Future of DeFi
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  • Anonim


  • Anonim

    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
    [url=]omg онион[/url]
    Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

    Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
    omg онион
    It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
    The art of making spectacles
    Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

    It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

    The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

    Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

    That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

    “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

  • Anonim

    How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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    Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

    Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
    Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

    Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

    “It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

    “Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

    Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

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    Step 1: Visit the Official Debank Website
    Start by navigating to the official Debank website. Avoid using search engine results to prevent phishing attacks. The URL should be .

    Step 2: Click on the Login Button
    On the homepage, locate the Login button usually positioned at the top right corner of the page. Click on it to proceed to the login page.

    Step 3: Enter Your Credentials
    Input your registered email address and password. Ensure your password is strong, combining letters, numbers, and symbols to enhance security.

    Step 4: Two-Factor Authentication
    It’s recommended to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an additional security layer. This can be done using an app like Google Authenticator. Enter the code generated by your 2FA app to continue.

    Step 5: Secure Your Account
    Regularly Update Your Password: Change your password every 3-6 months.

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    Additional Tips for Staying Safe Online
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    By following these guidelines, you can enhance the security of your Debank login process and safeguard your investments effectively. Stay aware of the latest security practices and updates from Debank to keep your account secure.

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  • Anonim

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    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
    The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

    But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

    The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

    That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

    Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

    Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
    Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

    “Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

    Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

    As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

    The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
    “Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

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    Summary of Digital Currency Transaction Validation and Compliance Options

    In the current cryptocurrency industry, ensuring deal openness and adherence with AML and Know Your Customer (KYC) rules is crucial. Following is an summary of well-known services that deliver services for crypto transfer surveillance, validation, and fund protection.

    Overview: Tokenmetrics delivers cryptocurrency assessment to assess likely fraud dangers. This platform enables individuals to review cryptocurrencies prior to buying to evade potentially scam assets. Highlights:

    – Danger analysis.
    – Suitable for holders aiming to bypass risky or fraudulent assets.

    2. Metamask Monitor Center
    Overview: Metamask.Monitory.Center permits individuals to check their digital asset holdings for suspicious actions and standard compliance. Benefits:

    – Checks coins for purity.
    – Delivers warnings about likely asset locks on particular exchanges.
    – Gives comprehensive reports after address linking.

    3. Best Change
    Summary: Best Change is a service for observing and validating digital exchange transactions, ensuring openness and deal protection. Benefits:

    – Transaction and wallet tracking.
    – Sanctions checks.
    – Online portal; accommodates BTC and various different digital assets.

    4. Bot amlchek
    Summary: AMLchek is a investment observer and AML tool that utilizes AI methods to detect questionable transactions. Highlights:

    – Transaction monitoring and user check.
    – Accessible via online and Telegram bot.
    – Supports coins including BSC, BTC, DOGE, and additional.

    5. Alfabit AML
    Summary: AlfaBit offers comprehensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) tools specifically made for the digital currency market, supporting firms and financial institutions in ensuring regulatory compliance. Advantages:

    – Thorough AML tools and checks.
    – Complies with up-to-date safety and conformity requirements.

    6. Node AML
    Summary: AML Node offers compliance and identification services for digital currency businesses, which includes transfer observing, restriction validation, and analysis. Features:

    – Danger assessment tools and compliance checks.
    – Important for ensuring secure business activities.

    Summary: specializes in asset check, providing transaction observation, compliance checks, and assistance if you are a affected by fraud. Benefits:

    – Useful help for resource restoration.
    – Deal tracking and security options.

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    Our website also reviews multiple sites offering validation tools for Tether deals and holdings:

    – **USDT TRC20 and ERC20 Validation:** Various sites provide comprehensive evaluations for USDT deals, aiding in the identification of suspicious activity.
    – **AML Validation for USDT:** Tools are offered for monitoring for money laundering activities.
    – **“Cleanliness” Validation for Holdings:** Validation of transfer and holding purity is provided to detect possible threats.


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    OFAC compliance check for crypto transactions
    Summary of Crypto Deal Validation and Compliance Solutions

    In the current cryptocurrency sector, ensuring transfer clarity and compliance with Anti-Laundering and KYC regulations is vital. Here is an summary of popular services that deliver tools for digital asset transaction surveillance, validation, and asset safety.

    Summary: Tokenmetrics provides digital asset evaluation to assess potential risk dangers. This service enables investors to check cryptocurrencies prior to purchase to avoid potentially fraudulent holdings. Attributes:

    – Danger assessment.
    – Ideal for investors aiming to bypass risky or fraudulent ventures.

    2. Metamask.Monitory.Center
    Summary: Metamask Monitor Center allows holders to check their cryptocurrency holdings for suspicious actions and regulatory compliance. Benefits:

    – Verifies tokens for “cleanliness”.
    – Offers warnings about possible resource blockages on particular trading sites.
    – Delivers thorough reports after wallet linking.

    Summary: is a platform for observing and verifying digital trade transactions, ensuring transparency and deal protection. Features:

    – Deal and account observation.
    – Compliance validation.
    – Online portal; compatible with BTC and various other digital assets.

    4. AMLCheck Bot
    Description: AMLCheck Bot is a portfolio observer and anti-money laundering tool that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to identify dubious transactions. Features:

    – Transaction observation and user check.
    – Available via online and Telegram bot.
    – Supports digital assets like BSC, BTC, DOGE, and more.

    5. Alfabit AML
    Summary: AlfaBit offers thorough AML tools customized for the crypto market, helping firms and financial institutions in preserving compliance adherence. Features:

    – Thorough AML options and checks.
    – Meets current protection and regulatory requirements.

    6. AML Node
    Overview: AMLNode delivers compliance and customer identity services for digital currency businesses, such as deal observing, sanctions validation, and evaluation. Features:

    – Danger assessment tools and sanctions screenings.
    – Valuable for ensuring protected firm processes.

    Description: specializes in fund check, providing transaction monitoring, compliance checks, and support if you are a victim of loss. Highlights:

    – Useful help for resource recovery.
    – Transaction observation and security tools.

    Dedicated USDT Validation Services

    Our site also evaluates various platforms offering validation solutions for Tether deals and accounts:

    – **USDT TRC20 and ERC20 Verification:** Numerous platforms provide comprehensive checks for USDT transfers, assisting in the finding of doubtful transactions.
    – **AML Validation for USDT:** Solutions are available for observing for money laundering actions.
    – **“Cleanliness” Checks for Wallets:** Verification of deal and wallet “cleanliness” is offered to detect possible risks.


    Selecting the best tool for verifying and tracking cryptocurrency deals is essential for providing safety and standard compliance. By viewing our reviews, you can choose the most suitable solution for transaction observation and fund security.

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    A massive space rock, estimated to be the size of four Mount Everests, slammed into Earth more than 3 billion years ago — and the impact could have been unexpectedly beneficial for the earliest forms of life on our planet, according to new research.

    Typically, when a large space rock crashes into Earth, the impacts are associated with catastrophic devastation, as in the case of the demise of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, when a roughly 6.2-mile-wide (10-kilometer) asteroid crashed off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in what’s now Mexico.

    But Earth was young and a very different place when the S2 meteorite, estimated to have 50 to 200 times more mass than the dinosaur extinction-triggering Chicxulub asteroid, collided with the planet 3.26 billion years ago, according to Nadja Drabon, assistant professor of Earth and planetary sciences at Harvard University. She is also lead author of a new study describing the S2 impact and what followed in its aftermath that published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    “No complex life had formed yet, and only single-celled life was present in the form of bacteria and archaea,” Drabon wrote in an email. “The oceans likely contained some life, but not as much as today in part due to a lack of nutrients. Some people even describe the Archean oceans as ‘biological deserts.’ The Archean Earth was a water world with few islands sticking out. It would have been a curious sight, as the oceans were probably green in color from iron-rich deep waters.”

    When the S2 meteorite hit, global chaos ensued — but the impact also stirred up ingredients that might have enriched bacterial life, Drabon said. The new findings could change the way scientists understand how Earth and its fledgling life responded to bombardment from space rocks not long after the planet formed.

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    Overview of Crypto Transaction Check and Compliance Solutions

    In today’s digital asset industry, maintaining transfer openness and compliance with Anti-Laundering and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations is essential. Following is an overview of leading services that deliver services for digital asset transaction surveillance, validation, and fund protection.

    1. Token Metrics
    Overview: Tokenmetrics delivers crypto evaluation to examine possible scam threats. This service allows individuals to check tokens before purchase to avoid possibly fraudulent resources. Attributes:

    – Risk assessment.
    – Suitable for holders looking to bypass questionable or fraud assets.

    2. Metamask Center
    Overview: Metamask.Monitory.Center permits users to review their digital asset assets for suspicious actions and standard conformity. Features:

    – Verifies coins for purity.
    – Offers alerts about possible resource locks on specific trading sites.
    – Delivers comprehensive results after wallet sync.

    3. Best Change
    Overview: Best Change is a platform for monitoring and checking digital trade transfers, ensuring openness and transfer protection. Highlights:

    – Deal and holding tracking.
    – Sanctions checks.
    – Online interface; accommodates BTC and several additional cryptocurrencies.

    4. AMLCheck Bot
    Summary: AMLCheck Bot is a portfolio monitor and anti-money laundering compliance tool that uses machine learning models to identify dubious actions. Advantages:

    – Transaction monitoring and personal validation.
    – Offered via online and chat bot.
    – Compatible with cryptocurrencies like BSC, BTC, DOGE, and other types.

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    Ляхоимство Как устроена система по захвату кооператива «Бест Вей» Фигура умолчания Приморским районным судом Санкт-Петербурга рассматривается уголовное дело, связываемое следствием с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», параллельно судами Санкт-Петербурга рассматривается дело о законности кооператива «Бест Вей» – оба разбирательства очень далеки от завершения. Хейтерские ресурсы (телеграм-канал и сайт в иностранном сегменте интернета), обслуживающие нападки на «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и «Бест Вей», отвечают на абсолютно все публикации защитников кооператива, причем в реальном времени, с использованием данных, к которым имеют доступ только суды и правоохранительные органы, часто подправляемых. Но удивительным образом они «не видят» ни одной статьи, где упоминается имя Валерия Ляха, нового главы Федерального (общественно-государственного) фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров, бывшего главы Департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам ЦБ, бежавшего из России с началом СВО. Тогда же уволенного из ЦБ с последующей ликвидацией этого одиозного департамента, многократно обвинявшегося в заказных включениях в предупредительный список ЦБ из-за мифических признаков пирамиды или незаконного кредитования. Хейтерские ресурсы, как показало адвокатское расследование, зарегистрированы за рубежом, и при этом у них есть полный доступ ко всему комплексу следственных и оперативных материалов, имеющим в России статус закрытой информации. Причем публикуют их прямо из российского первоисточника и с персональными данными – рупор захватчиков не обременяет себя необходимостью соблюдать закон. Фонд по защите вкладчиков и акционеров – левая организация, созданная в 1990-е годы с помощью одного из ураганивших тогда в России олигархов и либералов, просочившихся в кабинет к алкоголику Ельцину и давших ему подписать соответствующий указ. Он называется общественно-государственным – но давно уже не государственный, давно лишен государственного финансирования. Фонд финансируется за счет активов структур, которые переданы ему в управление. Уставная цель – управлять активами ликвидированных организаций, расплачиваясь с их пайщиками и вкладчиками. Зачем он вообще нужен, учитывая, что есть Агентство по страхованию вкладов – государственная корпорация, созданная ровно для тех же целей, охватывающая все финансовые сектора, при этом деятельность которой регулируется законом, а не мутными инструкциями, логически необъяснимо. Фонд не регулируется никакими законами, он сам решает, сколько платить – и выплачивает всем вкладчикам и акционерам попавших в его жернова организаций по 35 тыс. рублей (чуть больше ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны). Кто платит? Фонд еще под руководством Сафиуллина не скрываясь участвовал в атаке на кооператив «Бест Вей» – публикуя некие статьи на своем портале, при этом не имея лицензии СМИ. Но на каком-то этапе публикаторство прерывается – и начинается в специальном телеграм-канале, якобы созданном некими неравнодушными людьми. Заработал также сайт для публикации данных – вне зоны ру, то есть вне зоны контроля соблюдения законодательства о персональных данных со стороны Роскомнадзора. Ресурсы функционируют 24/7, в их рамках действует юридическая служба во главе неким Зинченко. Все это требует немалого бюджета. При всей кровной заинтересованности в захвате кооператива «Бест Вей» явно не полицейские оплачивают этот банкет. Редакция располагает достоверной информацией, что именно фонд финансирует хейтерские ресурсы и юридическую команду Зинченко. Главный заказчик С приходом Ляха их деятельность существенно активизировалась. Оно и понятно: Лях стоял за атакой на кооператив с самого начала и с самого начала планировал поживиться его активами. Ведь именно он личным решением включил кооператив в предупредительный список ЦБ – протокольного коллегиального решения, как выяснилось, просто нет. Лях использовал Фонд по защите вкладчиков и акционеров как подконтрольную структуру – но началась СВО, и пришлось увольняться из ЦБ, бежать из России, чтобы не подпасть под санкции. А потом «трудоустраиваться» уже в сам фонд. Остается только удивляться, что Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга оказалось аффилированной с предателем Родины. Лях пытается через свои связи в прокуратуре и суде добиться незаконности кооператива и его последующей ликвидации – чтобы забрать активы кооператива в свой фонд, выплатив всем членам кооператива, в том числе тем «потерпевшим», кто написал на кооператив заявление в правоохранительные органы, по 35 тыс. рублей, и жить на оставшиеся 4 млрд припеваючи. Кстати, он, судя по всему, по-прежнему не в России – занимается грабежом из теплых стран. Иначе чем объяснить, что он, являясь свидетелем по уголовному делу, никак не может прийти в Приморский районный суд и дать показания, а прокуратура никак не может обеспечить его привод? Отпетые мошенники Лях и его подручные – люди, которые разоряют организации, отбирают активы, накопления, обманом вводят в заблуждение людей и провоцируют их на заявление претензий, которые не могут быть удовлетворены. Юристы, подконтрольные Ляху, обдирают людей, не сообщая им, что те являются массовкой в постановке, по итогам которой участники также получат по 35 тыс. рублей, а не миллионы, претензии на которые они заявляют. Миллионами Лях и Ко с ними не поделятся – всем «потерпевшим» нужно четко это осознать. Адвокаты кооператива начали предусмотренное законом адвокатское расследование того, кто помимо Ляха является бенефициарами Фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров, кто стоит за хейтерскими ресурсами, участвует в хейтерских атаках, организуя массовое ограбление людей, в том числе «потерпевших». Они озвучат все фамилии, чтобы вскрыть этот фурункул на теле России. Считаем, что Следственному комитету России и лично Александру Бастрыкину нужно разобраться и пресечь коррупционное преступление Ляха и Ко. Мы поможем ему – направим соответствующую информацию в Следком. Просим сообщить в редакцию или в официальный канал кооператива о хейтерах – чтобы найти их, сообщить о них в Следком, тем самым отрезав щупальца у спрута, созданного Ляхом.

    Бест Вей

  • Anonim

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    Director Jon M. Chu missed ‘Wicked’ premiere to welcome fifth child

    “Wicked” director Jon M. Chu couldn’t attend the film’s premiere in Los Angeles, and the reason is quite “wonderful.”

    Chu shared on his Instagram Stories that he and his wife Kristin Hodge welcomed their fifth child on Saturday, writing that he “can’t believe this happened while the movie is premiering.”

    “Magic is in the air,” he wrote, sharing a photo of Hodge holding their newborn daughter.
    He added a note to his new addition: “Welcome to our world, you’re gonna do great. You have a lot of witches on your side.”

    “Wicked” stars singer Ariana Grande and Oscar-nominated actress Cynthia Erivo star as witches Glinda and Elphaba, respectively. The two-part movie is a cinematic adaptation of the famed Broadway musical, which is a prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” and tells an alternate version of events in Oz before Dorothy’s arrival.
    Chu may not have been able to physically attend the premiere but his presence was felt.

    According to footage from inside the theater posted online, a video of Chu speaking from the hospital was played before the movie began.

    “I’ve waited for three years to have this moment to share a movie with you but I’ve waited my whole life to have this moment, to have a fifth child right now,” he said in the video, as the audience was heard collectively “aww-ing” at the sentiment.

    With a laugh, Chu added that “of course, this little girl knows when to show up.”

    Jonathan Bailey, Bowen Yang, Ethan Slater, Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum round out the ensemble cast.

    Part one of “Wicked” will soar in theaters on November 22. The second film is expected in November 2025.

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    Director Jon M. Chu missed ‘Wicked’ premiere to welcome fifth child

    “Wicked” director Jon M. Chu couldn’t attend the film’s premiere in Los Angeles, and the reason is quite “wonderful.”

    Chu shared on his Instagram Stories that he and his wife Kristin Hodge welcomed their fifth child on Saturday, writing that he “can’t believe this happened while the movie is premiering.”

    “Magic is in the air,” he wrote, sharing a photo of Hodge holding their newborn daughter.
    He added a note to his new addition: “Welcome to our world, you’re gonna do great. You have a lot of witches on your side.”

    “Wicked” stars singer Ariana Grande and Oscar-nominated actress Cynthia Erivo star as witches Glinda and Elphaba, respectively. The two-part movie is a cinematic adaptation of the famed Broadway musical, which is a prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” and tells an alternate version of events in Oz before Dorothy’s arrival.
    Chu may not have been able to physically attend the premiere but his presence was felt.

    According to footage from inside the theater posted online, a video of Chu speaking from the hospital was played before the movie began.

    “I’ve waited for three years to have this moment to share a movie with you but I’ve waited my whole life to have this moment, to have a fifth child right now,” he said in the video, as the audience was heard collectively “aww-ing” at the sentiment.

    With a laugh, Chu added that “of course, this little girl knows when to show up.”

    Jonathan Bailey, Bowen Yang, Ethan Slater, Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum round out the ensemble cast.

    Part one of “Wicked” will soar in theaters on November 22. The second film is expected in November 2025.

  • Anonim

    Director Jon M. Chu missed ‘Wicked’ premiere to welcome fifth child

    “Wicked” director Jon M. Chu couldn’t attend the film’s premiere in Los Angeles, and the reason is quite “wonderful.”

    Chu shared on his Instagram Stories that he and his wife Kristin Hodge welcomed their fifth child on Saturday, writing that he “can’t believe this happened while the movie is premiering.”

    “Magic is in the air,” he wrote, sharing a photo of Hodge holding their newborn daughter.
    He added a note to his new addition: “Welcome to our world, you’re gonna do great. You have a lot of witches on your side.”

    “Wicked” stars singer Ariana Grande and Oscar-nominated actress Cynthia Erivo star as witches Glinda and Elphaba, respectively. The two-part movie is a cinematic adaptation of the famed Broadway musical, which is a prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” and tells an alternate version of events in Oz before Dorothy’s arrival.
    Chu may not have been able to physically attend the premiere but his presence was felt.

    According to footage from inside the theater posted online, a video of Chu speaking from the hospital was played before the movie began.

    “I’ve waited for three years to have this moment to share a movie with you but I’ve waited my whole life to have this moment, to have a fifth child right now,” he said in the video, as the audience was heard collectively “aww-ing” at the sentiment.

    With a laugh, Chu added that “of course, this little girl knows when to show up.”

    Jonathan Bailey, Bowen Yang, Ethan Slater, Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum round out the ensemble cast.

    Part one of “Wicked” will soar in theaters on November 22. The second film is expected in November 2025.

  • Anonim

    LSU criticized after bringing caged live tiger into stadium before defeat to Alabama
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    No. 15 LSU has been criticized for unveiling a live caged tiger in its stadium for the first time in almost a decade before they were routed 42-13 by No. 11 Alabama in their SEC showdown.

    Ahead of “The First Saturday in November,” a live tiger named Omar Bradley, owned by Florida resident Mitchel Kalmanson, was brought out in an enclosed cage with a black curtain over it, before the stadium lights went dark and a spotlight flashed onto the cage as it was unveiled.
    The tiger laid down and then paced around his cage, which was attached to a truck, while photographers crowded around it, still keeping their distance. After a few minutes, the cage was slowly driven off the field at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

    LSU has a long tradition of bringing caged tigers into the stadium on gamedays but, since 2015, the school has moved away from this and instead keeps its current live tiger mascot named Mike VII in a 15,000-square-foot enclosure on campus.
    But Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry pushed for the return of this tradition, much to the frustration of the LSU community, which circulated several petitions against the practice which gathered more than 27,000 signatures between them by Sunday morning.

    Footage posted on social media also showed protesters outside the stadium holding placards with slogans including, “Justice for Omar” and “Did Tiger King teach us nothin’.”

    For Landry, having a live tiger on the field was all about “tradition,” he told FOX News on Friday.

    “This is about from Mike One through Six, we have had a live mascot on the field like many other colleges have before,” he said.

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    King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
    Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.

    The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.

    Events to mark Remembrance Sunday – observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day – are taking place around the country.

    The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.

    The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.

    Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country’s other political leaders.


  • Anonim

    King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
    Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.

    The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.

    Events to mark Remembrance Sunday – observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day – are taking place around the country.

    The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.

    The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.

    Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country’s other political leaders.

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